We are an inclusive church with a unified core focus which is the love of the Goddess Gaia and the plants that she has blessed us with. For centuries, humans have strived toward enlightenment and connection to the Earth and the Creator. We are able to connect with the spirit realms through ceremony with the use of Ayahuasca. Also known as The Holy Mother, Ayahuasca is the keystone to our awakening; connecting us to Mother Earth, humankind, and the highest version of our true selves.

We believe in the Spirit of Gaia, who is our Mother Earth. She has created all life, she can heal all life, and we return to her at the end of life. She is also our great teacher, who offers guidance and wisdom to those who humbly seek it.
We believe in the Divine, who go by many names. We honor our Mother Earth, who is our source of life, and our Father Sky, who is our connection to the cosmos. We believe in the divinity of our spirit guides, angels, ancestors, and other energies. There is the essence of the divine in all things, including ourselves.

We believe the natural world is interconnected and all things within it contribute to the circle of life equally. Humans, animals, birds, insects, fishes, plants, minerals, and alike are sacred and cherished as kin. Rather than the common worldview which places humans as the superior species, we believe we are interdependent with the natural world and understand there is a flow of energy between all things.
We believe all parts of the natural world have a soul. From the fish in the sea to the birds in the sky, flora, fauna, and humankind. We believe in the energies of plants, minerals, and all things of this Earth. We believe each one has a unique way of teaching us. It is our duty to protect the natural world and treat it with respect and care.

We believe finding the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Psychotria viridis leaf and the visions within the indigenous tribes of the Amazon that led them to find and use these plants to make the sacred blend of Ayahuasca was a gift from the divine. We believe Ayahuasca is the sacrament that was given to humankind so we can communicate with the divine and receive direct teachings and wisdom. We honor this gift and believe its use to only be appropriate in a ceremonial context.
We believe the sacrament of Ayahuasca allows us to connect with the divine, the spirit realms, humankind, and the highest version of our true selves. Also known as The Holy Mother, Ayahuasca is the keystone to our awakening. Through partaking of the sacrament, we deepen our connection to ourselves and our understanding of the world. We communicate directly with the divine and receive the teachings we need at that time. We do not practice with a written doctrine because the wisdom we receive is individualized and sacred. We do not project personal interpretations on another individual’s sacred experiences with the sacrament.

We believe the sacred ceremonies followed by community gatherings can foster relationships at a deep energetic level, bringing humanity together and creating a better world. We strive to create a community of trust and connection. We honor the tradition of gathering and storytelling to pass on wisdom and share our experiences, especially with respect to elders. We believe in the power of community – supporting, protecting, providing, and having compassion for one another.
We believe our body and mind are connected and health is a balance of physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual elements. By caring for these four elements, we give our current vessel an opportunity for good health and longevity, so we have more time for our soul to heal and grow. Not only does this bring us closer toward the highest version of ourselves, but also influences the community and greater world. We believe everyone has the right to determine what is in the best interest for their own bodies and health.

We believe in reincarnation and rebirth. We reincarnate so that our soul can continue to grow. Each soul is here for a purpose. It is our goal in this life to discover our path so that our soul may find fulfillment. Along the way, we may get hurt or hurt others, and we often carry trauma with us to the next life because we have not healed in this life. By taking the sacrament, we can discover our current or past life traumas so that we can make sense of them and find peace. We believe our soul’s journey is unique and everlasting.
We believe in the complexities of the universe and that our knowledge and understanding of the universe is everchanging. We honor the imperfectness of all things, especially in humankind. We encourage each other to work toward becoming the highest version of ourselves because we strive to reach a higher collective frequency of enlightenment. We humbly express that we do not and will not ever have all the answers to the workings of the universe or what may lie beyond this life.

The guidelines below cover the lifestyle we encourage our members to work towards. Kindness and love to all things are the overall themes of what our community strives for.

Be kind, be compassionate, be loving, be humble, be honest, and always strive to be a good person. Do the right thing even if it’s hard.

Care for your whole self – physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

Do no harm to others – physically, intellectually, emotionally, or spiritually.

Honor the elders and the generations that came before us – recognize and appreciate their knowledge.

Honor the generations to come – may they inherit a healthy and harmonious world.

Honor all living things – all living creatures both big and small should be valued.

Be a good steward of the natural world – protect and care for all things.

Be in service of others – lend a helping hand and support those in need.

Use your inner wisdom as a compass – above all else, listen to your inner guidance.